IADR Abstract Archives

Comparison of Various Storage Media for Avulsed teeth: A Systematic Review

Objectives: There is a wide variety of substances in literature that have been researched for use as storage medium for avulsed teeth. The objective of this review is to assess literature regarding various storage media available for transport and storage of avulsed teeth. Viability of PDL cells in the storage medium is essential for successful re-implantation.
Methods: The literature regarding transport media for avulsed teeth was reviewed in PubMed/MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus (Ebscohost) and Cochrane Library, from 1970 till date. Only studies focusing on human permanent teeth and/or PDL cells were included. The protocol was registered with Prospero (Registration Number: CRD42013003558). A customized data extraction form was developed for data collection. Due to the wide variety of media mentioned in the literature, the various media were divided into 6 major groups according to their composition. Due to difference in methodology, the review was divided into two parts, with this section focusing only studies assessing PDL cell survival. SPSS version 19.0 was used to analyze the compiled data.
Results: A total of 55 articles were included
Out of these, 44 studies assessed PDL cells survival and 11 assessed clinical parameters
In the 44 studies selected for this part of the review, the most common method of PDL cell assessment was Trypan blue exclusion/ staining
Most common medium studied before year 2000 was milk and variants, after 2001 there were more studies on natural products other than milk
Natural products other than milk were considered as acceptable media in 78.57% of studies in which they were compared, followed by milk and saline
Conclusions: There is heterogeneity between studies, as most studies have assessed PDL viability as a marker for survival of teeth instead of actual clinical success. According to frequency of reported literature, natural products other than milk (like coconut water and Propolis) are considered the most acceptable storage media when compared with other media However, due to ease of availability and practicality, use of milk as storage media is also acceptable
Pakistan Section Meeting
2014 Pakistan Section Meeting (Lahore, Pakistan)
Lahore, Pakistan
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research
  • Adnan, Samira  ( THE AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY , Karachi , Pakistan )
  • Khan, Farhan  ( THE AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY , Karachi , Pakistan )
  • Oral Session
    Oral Health Research/Behavioral, Epidemiologic and Health Services Research
    Sunday, 10/26/2014 , 12:00PM - 01:30PM
    Acceptable/Recommended Storage Media
    MediaStudies in which comparedStudies in which considered acceptablePercentage
    Natural Products other than milk*141071.42%
    Saline and variants10550%
    * Coconut water=04, Propolis=03, Green tea extract=01, Juice of M. rubra=01, Egg albumin=01