Methods: DHEQ was completed by 311 participants in three RCTs; RCT1 and RCT2 compared anti-sensitivity toothpastes (ASTs) with negative controls (n = 93 and 118) and RCT3 compared an AST with an active control (n = 100). Participants completed the DHEQ at baseline and both 4 and 8 (RCT2, RCT3) or 12 and 24 weeks follow-up (RCT1). ANCOVAs tested the effect of group (treatment, control) to predict follow-up DHEQ total scores, using baseline DHEQ as a covariate.
Results: Mean DHEQ scores at follow-up were significantly lower (i.e. less OHQoL impact) in the AST group compared to negative control in RCT1 (p < .05) but not RCT2. The difference in RCT1 was due to changes in the coping domain (p < .05), with trends for restrictions (p = .07) and identity (p = .05). As predicted, follow-up DHEQ scores were similar in the AST group and active controls (RCT3). DHEQ demonstrated excellent internal (α = .96) and test-retest reliability (r = .77), and good criterion validity with one clinical measure (mean tactile response).
Conclusions: The present study extends the excellent validity and reliability of the DHEQ as a measure of OHQoL in relation to dentine hypersensitivity, and indicates preliminary responsiveness to change in dentine hypersensitivity status over time in clinical trials of anti-sensitivity treatments.
This study was funded by Glaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare