Efficacy of Carbonated Apatite Bone Graft Substitute for GBR
Objectives: The inorganic component of bone is carbonated apatite which contains 4–8% of carbonate in its apatitic crystal structure. We have focused on carbonated apatite and have launched synthetic carbonated apatite bone graft substitutes (Cytrans Granules, CO3Ap). In our previous studies, CO3Ap showed excellent bone regeneration ability comparable to FDBA in dog box-shaped defect model. In this work, the objectives were to evaluate the efficacy of CO3Ap in combination with a barrier membrane in dog dehiscence bone defect model. Methods: Animal study protocol was approved by Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Hamri Co., Ltd., which has been approved by AAALAC International. A buccal dehiscence type 3-walled bone defect (10×4×5 mm) was prepared on the mandibular anterior molars of dog. The defect was filled with CO3Ap and was covered by resorbable bilayer membrane made of synthetic poly (L-lactide-ε-caprolactone) (PBM, Cytrans Elashield). Unfilled group was set as a control. After 12 weeks of healing, micro-CT and histological evaluation were performed. Results: In the unfilled group, buccal bone formation was poor and only 55% of the defect volume was recovered. On the other hand, recovered bone volume ratio was 94% in the CO3Ap group. Histological evaluation revealed that the calcified area in CO3Ap group was a combination of CO3Ap and bone. In addition, the CO3Ap was covered with newly formed bone. It is previously reported that bone is regenerated efficiently on the CO3Ap surface. This result indicates that the membrane effectively inhibited soft tissue invasion. Therefore, it is thought that good bone formation was observed inside the defect covered by the membrane. Conclusions: It was confirmed that CO3Ap was effective for GBR treatment of buccal dehiscence defect of alveolar bone in combination with an appropriate membrane.
2023 AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting (Portland, Oregon) Portland, Oregon
2023 0284 Dental Materials 5: Biocompatibility, Bioengineering and Biologic Effects of Materials
Kimura, Naruki
( GC Laboratory America
, Alsip
, Illinois
, United States
Sakaguchi, Yusuke
( GC Corporation
, Tokyo
, Itabashi-ku
, Japan
Yamanaka, Katsuyuki
( GC Corporation
, Tokyo
, Itabashi-ku
, Japan
Shinozaki, Yutaka
( GC Corporation
, Tokyo
, Itabashi-ku
, Japan
Name: Naruki Kimura, Yusuke Sakaguchi, Katsuyuki Yamanaka, Yutaka Shinozaki
Organization: GC Corporation
Relationships: Presenter and co-authors are GC Corporation researcher
Interactive Talk Session
Keynote Address; Scaffold Technologies and Regenerative Dental Medicine
, 01:30PM - 03:00PM